
one more day!

Just going through all of the applications today. Wow.. Vancouver has some talent!! This is definitely going to be a tough choice. Of course, this event is not officially juried, but we do need to go through the applications to make sure that not all 37 tables are of jewelry =)

That being said, we should be making our announcement of our vendor list this weekend so stay tuned.

Vendor deadline is tomorrow, so if you are interested in coming out, please send me an email to let me know! I am searching for vendors that make soap / body care products, so if you know of somebody, please let them know about the show! They seem to be the hardest to find yet nothing beats handmade soap!


it's here!

I ordered a gocco machine and it arrived last week! I have been meaning to post some pictures, but keep forgetting to do it during the day (the light is horrible in the house - too dark!). I haven't actually taken it out of the box and played with it yet except for making sure that the whole order was here. I ordered one machine for cloth and paper, a bunch of inks, screens, bulbs.. basically I should be all set.

First thing on the list will be the got craft reception invites! Well.. that or the swag bags... hmmm...


what a beauty

Look at this beauty that we came across today at Can Am while scouting for 50's inspired decor. It is quite expensive at $1200, but each level of drawers do come apart so you can make it as high as you want.

It is in absolutely beautiful condition!


The greatest little storage shelf

So did anybody play Nancy Drew and solve the mystery? I didn't want to jinx ourselves and reveal what the surprise was before we were sure that it was all ours! Rob and I met with Melissa and Chris on Friday night to talk about their upcoming wedding in 2009. Once our meeting ended, we hopped into the car and drove down to Shoreline.. about 20 minutes North of Seattle. First thing Saturday morning, we met Doug and picked up this beauty!

It is originally from the University of Washington and has been sitting in Doug's (he is teaches Fine Arts there) garage for quite some time now before he decided that he just didn't have the room. I have wanted one of these ever since I saw it here and then here. Supposedly they are really hard to find, especially one the West Coast without having to pay a fortune in shipping. We found one HUGE one at A Baker's Dozen on Main Street, but it was 3-4 times what we paid for this beauty.

I'm not sure what I am going to use all the drawers for use. Crafty things I assume. Maybe a recipe card drawer?

Rob plans to sand, polish and generally spiff the unit back to its glory days. I will then make some pretty coloured tags so we can actually find stuff that we put in it without opening up each drawer!

There is a second unit that sits below it. It is exactly the same as this one, but it doesn't have a top lid. We will most likely sell the other half as I really have no idea what to do with 30 drawers! Rob wants to hold onto it until we move and see what our new space looks like (more about the move later). However.. if you REALLY REALLY REALLY want one, then please inquire within :)


Its been a while since we last typed

This is the blog that has received no love. It is hard enough to write and update one blog, but two!? two! Oi!

We have big news.. I mean big BIG big news!

drum roll please..


We are proud to announce that CRAFT magazine has agreed to be a part of this years' GOT CRAFT! Best to my knowledge, this is the first event that they have supported in Canada so we are beside ourselves with happiness! In addition to co sponsoring the breakfast reception, they will be providing each swag bag with a current issue of CRAFT magazine.. a $20 value!

In other news.. the swag bags are almost ready. I can't believe we cut and sewed up this years' bags. Crazy eh? For those that didn't arrive early enough for a bag last year, swag bags have usually been paper. This year we decided to buy a huge bolt of fabric and sew our own so that you can re-use these little puppies! Of course, like the past year, these will be chock full of goodies!

Ok.. one more thing.. After humming and hawing for weeks if not months... I finally bought a gocco! The swag bags will be my first project, so I'm sure you will see our work soon!

That is it for now.. stay tuned for some vendor profiles!

Before I forget.. check out our new poll on the side and place your vote.

Are you interested in being a guest blogger? Contact us for more information!