

Swag bags are currently being put together. Here is a sneak peek on what we have so far.

First 30 people through the doors receive one of these.. oh you lucky people!

out and about

I was at Ikea this afternoon picking up some sturdy boxes for under the bed and look what I came across!


104.9 Clear FM

We are pleased to announce that the 104.9 Clear FM events street team will be on-site sometime between 11:00 am to 5:00 pm to broadcast live and give away prizes. Check us out on their website!!


Featured Vendor #8

Miriam Melanson is the proud designer of Flaming Angels and all around super amazing person! Flaming Angels can be found, not only at GOT CRAFT, but at Portobello West, Hitz Boutique, Funhauser Decor, New World Designs, Virgin Mary's, Twigg & Hottie and the list goes on including retailers throughout the world.

We are featuring Flaming Angels just in time for the new opening of her very own boutique! 48 hour grand opening party starting on Friday, April 25th at her new store located at 644 Seymour Street.

For more information about the event, check out her website here.


Featured Vendor #7

This is Minori's second GOT CRAFT event and we are very happy to have her back!

Minori Takagi first came across Japanese glass beads (called Tombodama) at a local gallery in her hometown of Shizuoka, Japan in 1997. She was so impressed by their subtle color and delicate design that she immediately took her first bead-making class at a local studio. Using colorful Japanese glass rods (called Satake), she learned the basics of Tombodama. The lessons were only twice a month, but her skill and creativity soon became apparent. Her initial interest in making Tombodama has since developed into a life-long passion for the art form.

Tombodama beads, colorful glass beads featuring floral and other patterns, are popular accessories because each one is unique. The beads are made by rolling molten glass around a steel rod until a glass ball forms. Smaller pieces of colored molten glass are then placed onto the ball to form exquisite patterns.

You can find a full gallery and her bio here.


Featured Vendor #6

This is Smeeta.

Aren't her items absolutely darling? SO cute! I was actually secretly eyeing her items on Etsy for the longest time, so I was super happy to receive an email from her asking about the craft fair!

She doesn't have many items in the shop right now, but that's because she is saving her goodies for the show!

Smeeta will be joined with her sister Vicki who makes these lovely cards...

Fun fact: lotus events is planning her friends' wedding in 2009!


Featured Vendor #5

The folks from Olive make the best bath and body care products without all of the yucky chemical stuff. Christina came out to our first show at the Western Front and almost didn't make it to the one in May if it wasn't for her husband! You see.. Got Craft is the day after her birthday and her University grad!

I, for one, am very happy that they will be attending the show. Not only has it been difficult trying to find people that make bath and body care products in the CIty, but I have been a little obsessed with tea infused soap lately. Olive makes an entire Tea line! Check out their shop here for more information.

delivery for me!

Look at what arrived today for the swag bags!


Featured Vendor #4

BuenoStyle. I am basically going to let her images speak for themselves.

This is taken from her profile on her etsy site:

Christi York is a freelance graphic designer, accessory designer and big believer in recycling, organic food and supporting
locally owned designers and businesses.

Her career began in the snowboarding industry (she used to work in-house for Option-NFA) but after spending eight
hours a day in front of a computer she decided to try her hand at freelancing. It was a wise decision. Her graphic career is still going strong and now BuenoStyle, her sideline passion started as a way to work with her hands, has really taken off.

If BuenoStyle has a mandate - it’s that you don’t have to look like to hippy just because you care about the environment.
Christi uses recycled, vintage and eco-concious materials wherever possible. Former accessory lines included one of a kind “rescued sweater” scarves made from thrift store wool sweaters and leather cuffs and earrings made from scrap leather castoffs. And of course, the now infamous “eat organic” screen printed line of organic cotton panties!

Check out her website here.


Featured Vendor #3

Our first Got Craft event was held in May 2007 at the Western Front. The event started at 10:00 am and everybody came early to set up, meet their neighbours.. yada yada. So Rob and I are helping everybody check in / get ready / sweep before opening and we notice an empty table. Which vendor did not show up? We check our lists and noticed that Nicole from Its Your Life Handmade was missing in action.

Hello? <- voice from the other side of the phone.
Hi. This is Andrea from got craft just wondering if you were on your way?<- Me
Yup <- other voice
Ok. We will see you soon then. <- Me (sounding confused).

45 minutes later Nicole runs in with all of her items thinking that the event started at 11:00 am!

Such a crazy, talented lady. She is currently in the Philippines, but check out her blog or better yet, go to her shop and buy stuff.


Featured Vendor #2

I don't know how Naomi from Flight Path Designs found out about us, but I am sure glad that she did! Just one visit to her website and you will fall in love with her belts, buckles, clutches and little pouches.

You can check her out here or go visit her at Portobello West. I can't wait to meet her in person!



They are almost here.... Yeah!


Featured Vendor #1

Jaime from crookkid has done so much work for us the last week that we thought she deserved to be our first featured vendor for Got Craft!

I first met Jaime at the West End Community Center's craft fair last November. Amongst the Grandma's, there was Jaime with her super awesome cards. I knew then that she needed to come out to our event! Jaime is the mastermind designer behind our logo, postcard and poster. She will also be at the show with her wide range of crafty goods. In the meantime, go visit her at crookkid.com.

new logo

Don't you love it? I sure do!

Thanks Jaime. You rock.