
Featured Vendor #3

Our first Got Craft event was held in May 2007 at the Western Front. The event started at 10:00 am and everybody came early to set up, meet their neighbours.. yada yada. So Rob and I are helping everybody check in / get ready / sweep before opening and we notice an empty table. Which vendor did not show up? We check our lists and noticed that Nicole from Its Your Life Handmade was missing in action.

Hello? <- voice from the other side of the phone.
Hi. This is Andrea from got craft just wondering if you were on your way?<- Me
Yup <- other voice
Ok. We will see you soon then. <- Me (sounding confused).

45 minutes later Nicole runs in with all of her items thinking that the event started at 11:00 am!

Such a crazy, talented lady. She is currently in the Philippines, but check out her blog or better yet, go to her shop and buy stuff.

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