
Earth Day - Call for Crafters

(image taken from Etsy Labs)

In celebration of Earth Day on Saturday, April 18th, 2009, Metrotown will be hosting an event called Reuse Me from 11:00am to 3:00pm at the Grand Court in Metropolis.

Reuse Me is inviting members of the community to discover what can be created with a little imagination and teaching others how to recycle items that you would find around the house.

I am currently looking for 5 to 7 crafters to come out and participate. Each crafter will be given a 4x6 table surface as their workshop space where they will spend the day crafting, networking and interacting with the general public. Crafters are encouraged to talk about their crafts, their materials and their process.

Since the event is taking place in Metrotown, crafters are not allowed to sell items, but crafters can give out promo material. Participating crafters will also be included in any press releases related to the event. Depending on what materials you require, expenses will be covered.

Some projects that we have already confirmed include:
  • Artist that makes furniture out of cardboard boxes
  • Nicole from It's Your Life will be on hand to teach you how to craft with old, plastic bags.
  • Artist that takes pop cans and makes it into art
  • Bliss in a Teacup will be there to show you how to turn your old t-shirts into a grocery bag
  • Stephanie from Fibre Manipulator will be on-hand with demos
  • Goodmorning, Morning! and Roxypop will teach you how to craft with everyday household items
  • Astrid from Fire Ice Creations will teach you how to use recycled glass to make art and jewelry
  • Marnie Thwaites uses old newspapers, paper bags and scrap paper and decorates them to make wrapping paper.
  • Paper Boy will show you how to build your own frame and use scrap paper and junk mail to make new paper for notes.
Lots of fun and plenty of exposure. Contact me at info(at)lotusevents(dot)ca for more details and to get involved!

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