
Got Craft? Wow!

Holy moly! Thank you to everybody that came out to Got Craft last Sunday at the legion and a BIG thank you to all of our vendors for making this the best Spring show that we have ever had! I was just telling Rob a few days before Got Craft how much I love seeing everybody and having the opportunity to meet facebook friends or etsy sellers face to face. It's like a big reunion!

I communicate with some people so much over email that when you finally meet them, you ...

A) pictured them completely different or
B) forget that you had never met face to face since you have been speaking to them so much electronically

I'm still recovering from all of the festivities, but I feel like I can breathe again. I'm sorry for the one photo, but that was all I had a chance to take. With me watching my table, socializing, checking on vendors and keeping an eye on the door, I completely forgot about picture taking.

Ps. Swag bag line up started at 7:40am this year. Wow! I had a few people say that at the holiday show, they may have to sleep over in the tent. Could you imagine? - hee hee :)

Here is a great post by A Cagey Bee and Make. Do. Think.

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