
Bliss in a teacup - feature #8

Name: Rebekah & Richard from Bliss in a teacup
Website: Bliss in a teacup shop and blog

What do you make?
We make chalkboards, inspiration hoops, writing slates magnets from vintage playing cards and maps, trinket boxes, blossom earrings and more! It may change depending on what we find on our latest thrifting expedition...you never know!

What or who inspires you?
Old school supplies, Modernist design, cottages, thrift stores, stationary, outsider art, William Morris (handprinted wallpaper, swoon), folk music, Max Ernst, ee cummings, Spring and Fall.

How did you get started?
Necessity is the mother of invention. We both really love working together creatively, and we've both always been interested in art, craft and DIY. In fact, the majority of our furniture comes from alleyway finds that we refurbish or repurpose.

Richard is a trained cabinet maker and printer, I grew up sewing, knitting and taking photos, and we are both art school drop outs. I had been selling my knitted items at Lucky Rooster (on Commercial Drive) and was trying to think up a product line to head into Spring and Summer, so we decided to put our love of vintage, beauty/function and repurposing together and that's what you'll now find in our store!

What are your favourite materials to work with?
Wood, paper, ink, thrifted (and usually floral) fabric, chalkboard paint, blender pens, ephemera.

What is the hardest and most favourite part of crafting?
Hmm, hardest...time management for sure. Both in terms of finding the time, managing our time effectively (tearing ourselves away from blog reading, guitar pedal building and youtube guilty pleasures) and overcoming our crafting ADD. The rest is our favourite. Getting to work together and from home, sourcing materials (really just going shopping and exploring thrift stores), and how we are able to compliment each others skills and work as a team. Oh, and looking at pretty fabric. Love!

List 5 of your favourite links and why you like them

Meet Me At Mikes: I read Pips blog daily, and dream about one day being able to visit her Melbourne store. She is so inspiring, so so funny and always has the best memes. I love how she fosters this amazing online crafting community, and is so incredibly encouraging to all of us readers.
Democracy Now!: We are both news junkies, and Amy Goodman and Juan Gonzales are two of the best. Democracy Now! is an independently run news source, so no corporate funding, no bias and no evil Rupert Murdoch. We watch it every day, and it is the place I go when I want to find out what is actually happening and not what Fox is reporting. If you can call it reporting....
Marcia Sandmeyer Wilson: is a collage artist, mixed media artist, dollmaker and more. Richard is a huge fan of her quirky artwork.
The Book Cover Archive: We are both absolute bibliophiles, and I will admit that I have definitely picked a book up based on the cover. There are so many beautiful covers on this site, I want all of them!
Bakers Dozen: A fantastic little online store, featuring limited edition of 13 pieces from artists located all over the world. So much fantastic stuff like crocheted macarons from Sian Keegan, beautiful embroidery hoops by Fieldguided and pretty pouches from Forrest Bound. Go take a look!

Do you have any advice for those in the biz?
I know this sounds cheesy, and I'm sure you've heard it before, but our biggest tip is to do what you love. Whether this means crochet coasters, pet portraits or designing your own fashion line. If you don't truly love or feel passionate about what you're doing then it will show through.

It is definitely important and totally natural to get inspiration from other places, there have been times when I've seen someone else come out with a product very similar to what I'd been thinking of before I got the chance, and you know, the online crafting world while large is also very tight knit so I think a bit of crossover is normal, but I think that it is really important to find and settle on something that you really love to do.

If you're just following trends for the sake of it, not only will you not produce your best work, but you won't be happy in what you're doing. In the same vein, trust yourself! Trust that you are talented and skillful, and an expert in your field even if you don't feel like it. Nobody can make or create exactly what you can, and that is what is important.

Art vs. Craft - Are these terms different? Do you consider yourself an artist or a crafter?
I don't see a difference, do you see a difference? Haha, that is a direct quote from Richard. While I don't know that the two words would be accepted as interchangeable, I think that they are both creative outpourings. In saying all that, I think there is a difference in that it is much easier to call yourself a crafter than an artist because of the way society views art as an almost elite endeavour.

I'm so excited that the recent resurgence of the DIY and craft movement, and places like Etsy and design blogs have started to challenge and blur the lines on this because I think its really important for crafters to feel confident to adopt the artist label. There are people I know who would never call themselves artists because maybe they can't draw or paint, but who make the most exquisite quilts or who develop delicious sounding soap flavours or create a divine range of wines. All of this to me is art.

You are all artists!

PS - I couldn't resist including a picture of Richard and Becka's new addition to the family! Read more about Ursula on their blog.

(photo images courtesy of Bliss in a teacup)

If you are interested in being featured, please send us an email at info(at)gotcraft(dot)com.

Check out our past features...

It's Your Life - feature #7
Faythe Levine - feature #6
Coco Cake Cupcakes - feature #5
pomomama design - feature #4
GroovyGlassGirl - feature #3
Bueno Style - feature #2
The Beautiful Project - feature #1


build your own terrarium!

You've seen her at Got Craft? in May and at Handmade Nation, now join Thyrza from Plantscapes in her first workshop at Blim and learn how to build your own terrariums!

Saturday, July 25, 2009
Blim - 197 E. 17th Avenue
2:00pm to 6:00pm

Master the mysteries of the bottle garden-topics covered will include soil mixtures, specialty tools, plant types, maintenance. Create your own plant diorama in bottles provided or bring your own. You may accessorize your terrarium with miniature accessories like tiny plastic dinosaurs, seashells, or make your own from polymer clay.

Please register in advance by calling 604-872-8180 or email info@blim.ca. Spaces are limited.

Check out Thyrza's work at the Handmade Nation event!


It's Your Life - feature #7

Name: Nicole Tirona
Website links: It's Your Life Shop, It's Your Life Blog

What do you make?
I make costume jewelry and sometimes I sew pouches and other bits.

What or who inspires you?
My need to make something, but mostly, my need to make a living.

How did you get started?
I started selling stuff online when I was not able to work yet in Canada.

What are your favourite materials to work with?
I love finding the nicest vintage for my jewelry, like wicked cameos and perfect lockets, strange and well made charms of past eras. When sewing, I like to use new Japanese printed cottons and linens.

What is the hardest and most favourite part of crafting?
The hardest part for me is finding the motivation to continually make new designs and inventory over and over again. My favorite part would have to be creating new designs that are pleasing and well balanced to my eye.

List 5 of your favourite links and why you like them

Instant Coffee: For art listings, it's pretty covered

Chalked Up: For club parties and shows

Avaaz: For all things activist

Vancouver is Awesome: For all things awesome in van

Bansa: For their tagalog-english online dictionary, i think it is the only one available (Nicole originates from the Philippines)

Do you have any advice for those in the biz?
Keep trying, keep a record of stuff you made so you can see how your work progresses, dont just always ask othercrafters how to make stuff or where to get stuff, be resourceful, join as many fairs as you can and have fun.

Art vs. Craft - Are these terms different? Do you consider yourself an artist or a crafter?
I am going to say these two are very different. I went to art school and what I am doing now is definitely craft. Though how I make the stuff, my process, how the materials dictate what the outcome will be, I believe that to be art.

If you are interested in being featured, please send us an email at info(at)gotcraft(dot)com.

Check out our past features...

Faythe Levine - feature #6
Coco Cake Cupcakes - feature #5
pomomama design - feature #4
GroovyGlassGirl - feature #3
Bueno Style - feature #2
The Beautiful Project - feature #1


Etsy! Etsy! Etsy!

Matt, Anda and Maria, the CEO of Etsy was in Vancouver last Tuesday at the Cambrian Hall! It was a super fab turn out of local crafters that sell / buy on Etsy or for those that was going to set up shop soon. It was kind of like a big crafty blind date as most of us have been speaking with each other online for quite some time now and was finally able to put a face to the handle name! Future projects between Got Craft? and Etsy? You never know!

Listening to Matt from Etsy

Being all attentive!

For more photos, check out Rita's (aka Smeeta) flickr group.


Handmade Nation - part 2

.... continued .....

The Vancouver premiere of Handmade Nation took place last Thursday at the Rio theatre. The event was absolutely amazing with over 350 people in attendance to watch the screening and take part in Faythe's Q&A session following the movie.

In addition to the screening, the event included a craft showcase featuring 14 local and handmade vendors including:

Photobooth Vancouver was on hand taking pictures of attendees. Jeanie from Studio Jeanie was up and about snapping pictures of the showcase and the event. A flickr group has been started and pictures will be continually added.

In the meantime, a BIG thank you to the showcase, Photobooth Vancouver, Sophia Books, Rio Theatre, Kim, Raincoast Books, Poppytalk, our volunteers and especially Faythe!

Check out some of these fantastic posts:
Handmade Nation
Laura Bucci
Bliss in a teacup
The Small Joys
Coco Cake Cupcake
Kim Werker
Photobooth Vancouver

Handmade Nation - part 1

Holy moly what a last couple of days!

The festivities began Wednesday morning when Rob, Kim and I picked up Faythe from the airport. We gave her a brief tour down Main Street, picked up an iced americano and headed over to Davie Street for a sushi lunch.

Leanne and Mandy from Yarn Bombing! Their book comes out in the Fall, but in the meantime, you have to check out their website!
(photo credit: Faythe Levine)

Afterwards, we headed over to Kim's house for a BBQ dinner before everybody arrived for the welcome party.

I have never seen so much food at a pot luck event! The big hits of the night were the lemon bars from Heather at dahlhaus and Jeannette's goat cheese stuffed dates!

(photo credit: Faythe Levine)

We ordered vegan chocolate ganache cupcakes.. because.. what a better way to say welcome, then with cupcakes by Coco Cake Cupcake.

Bright and early Thursday morning, we drove Faythe over to City TV for her Breakfast Television segment. Check out the plate of pastries waiting for us in the green room!

Hanging out in the green room at City TV.

Breakfast Television asked us for some crafty props, so I brought along one of my apple cozies which Faythe kept - cute!

Delish pink lemonade.

Then over to Cafe Barney on Granville Street for a quick brunch of eggs benedict (all 4 of us ordered the same thing!), we headed over to Barefoot Contessa on Main Street for a quick book signing.

(photo credit: Kim Werker)

...... to be continued ....
Read all about the screening in part 2 of Handmade Nation Vancouver!

I received a few emails this morning asking for more information about the Etsy meet up tonight.

For those of you in Vancouver, Etsy is in town! That's right, come meet the fine folks at Etsy as well as local crafters tonight (July 14th) at 7:00pm at the Cambrian Hall located at Main and E. 17th Avenue.


Faythe Levine - feature #6

Name: Faythe Levine
Website links: www.handmadenationmovie.com, www.indiecraftdocumentary.blogspot.com, flickr

What do you make?
Currently I make movies, do set design/art direction and I take tons of photos. When I have time I like to embroider.

Speakers panel at the Portland premiere of Handmade Nation

What or who inspires you?
I am inspired on a daily basis by my surroundings. I spend as much time as possible absorbing my environment and taking in the minute details. I am also motivated by my extensive art collection and piles of collections and treasures I have built up over the years.

How did you get started?
I've always been self-motivated and just make sure to finish projects I start.

Photo courtesy of Raincoast Books

What are your favourite ingredients to work with?
Depends on the project at hand of course, but I love felt, vintage fabric and paper, found objects and glitter. If I'm working in the kitchen I attempt to use as much local and organic ingredients as possible.

What is the hardest and most favourite part of crafting?
I think that following through with an idea can be a huge challenge sometimes but when you finish something you started even if the final outcome isn't what you initially planned it is so satisfying.

Photo courtesy of the Georgia Straight

List 5 of your favourite links and why you like them
Kate Bingaman-Burt / Obsessive Consumption: I work with Kate on a variety of projects but I think her work is amazing on so many levels. She also produces more projects then anyone I know.

My Love For You Is Like A Stampede of Horses: Fantastically curated art/craft/design blog that keeps me up to date with sales, new work and shows around the world ran by my friend Meigan.

20x200: A great place to pick up affordable artwork. Handmade Nation will also be releasing a limited edition Jill Bliss dyptic with the gracious help of 20x200 in August. Stay tuned for more information on that.

Bibliodyssey: Fodder in all manners.

Design For Mankind: Another art/craft/design blog that really hits all the best stuff. Also, site curator Erin Loechner started a great project called "Dialogue" everyone should check out on the site.

Images from the book and film

Do you have any advice for those in the biz?
My advice would be to keep in touch with your community. Participate in community dialogue and events. Support your creative peers and keep focused on your own personal creative path.

Featured in ReadyMade

Art vs. Craft - Are these terms different? Do you consider yourself an artist or a crafter?
I am totally uninterested in defining the difference between Art and Craft, my belief is that is up to the producer of the work. Myself, I'm 100% maker.

(photo images courtesy of Faythe Levine / Handmade Nation)

Don't miss the Vancouver Premiere of Handmade Nation on Thursday, July 9th!

If you are interested in being featured, please send us an email at info(at)gotcraft(dot)com.


Woven Studios Open House & Sale

You are cordially invited to the inaugural Woven Studios Open House & Sale.

Woven is a shared, collaborative studio that houses 10 of Vancouver's favourite local designers and artists joined by a common thread of a love for indie design. Come meet us in our beautiful 2100 sq ft open concept workspace for nibbles & refreshments, a sneak peek at Fall 2009, the chance to scoop up some great deals, and the opportunity to explore our creative environment.

1275 Venables Street (at Clark)
Friday, July 17th - 3:00pm to 8:00pm
Saturday, July 18th - 10:00am to 5:00pm
Sunday, July 19th - Noon to 4:00pm

For more information, visit Woven Agency.com.


Stephanie & Me - tv debut

This is a segment from the Express on environmentally friendly crafts that Stephanie Menard from Fibre Manipulator and I did back in April for Earth Day at Metropolis in Metrotown.

Nerve wracking, but not too shabby for our first tv appearances.

media buzz

The Vancouver Premiere of Handmade Nation seems to be generating a lot of media buzz lately.

The Westender has an amazing two page spread about Faythe Levine and the upcoming event. A big thanks to Steven and Bertie for the write up!

Here's the article from the Georgia Straight**!

** Showcase begins at 7:00pm. For ticket information, please visit gotcraft.com

Go over to the lotus events blog and check out the 5 page article on 'Craft Revival' in the July / August issue of Momentum Magazine.