
Handmade Nation - part 1

Holy moly what a last couple of days!

The festivities began Wednesday morning when Rob, Kim and I picked up Faythe from the airport. We gave her a brief tour down Main Street, picked up an iced americano and headed over to Davie Street for a sushi lunch.

Leanne and Mandy from Yarn Bombing! Their book comes out in the Fall, but in the meantime, you have to check out their website!
(photo credit: Faythe Levine)

Afterwards, we headed over to Kim's house for a BBQ dinner before everybody arrived for the welcome party.

I have never seen so much food at a pot luck event! The big hits of the night were the lemon bars from Heather at dahlhaus and Jeannette's goat cheese stuffed dates!

(photo credit: Faythe Levine)

We ordered vegan chocolate ganache cupcakes.. because.. what a better way to say welcome, then with cupcakes by Coco Cake Cupcake.

Bright and early Thursday morning, we drove Faythe over to City TV for her Breakfast Television segment. Check out the plate of pastries waiting for us in the green room!

Hanging out in the green room at City TV.

Breakfast Television asked us for some crafty props, so I brought along one of my apple cozies which Faythe kept - cute!

Delish pink lemonade.

Then over to Cafe Barney on Granville Street for a quick brunch of eggs benedict (all 4 of us ordered the same thing!), we headed over to Barefoot Contessa on Main Street for a quick book signing.

(photo credit: Kim Werker)

...... to be continued ....
Read all about the screening in part 2 of Handmade Nation Vancouver!

I received a few emails this morning asking for more information about the Etsy meet up tonight.

For those of you in Vancouver, Etsy is in town! That's right, come meet the fine folks at Etsy as well as local crafters tonight (July 14th) at 7:00pm at the Cambrian Hall located at Main and E. 17th Avenue.

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