
Rachel Hobson - feature #16

Name: Rachel Hobson
Website links: Average Jane Crafter, Craftzine (Contributing Writer)

What do you make?
Besides a lot of messes and mistakes? I mostly work with hand embroidery. It was the craft that pulled me full-force into craft addiction, and I never seem to get tired of it. I also dabble in screen printing, a bit of sewing, and I've always had a great fondness for collage. I don't make things to sell, but I do custom hand embroidery jobs here and there and also teach hand embroidery classes here in Austin the Stitch Lab

What or who inspires you?
I literally can't open my eyes without being inspired. When you have an addiction to making things, it's almost impossible to turn off your brain's insatiable desire to come up with new projects. Sometimes I'll be inspired to make specific things, and sometimes I'm just inspired to put together a new color palette to use in the future. It's fun, but also tiring sometimes, to never be able to turn that part of your brain off. I'm also really bad about not writing things down when they come to me, so I'm often trying to think back to what inspired me. You'd think I would have come up with a more efficient way to record the inspiration by now, eh? 

I do have a few things and people who constantly inspire me. I'm a huge Space geek. I've had an almost life-long fascination with Space exploration and all things Space-related. There are few things in life that inspire the awe and wonder that Space does for me. Shuttle launches, Hubble images, control panels - they all literally light my brain on fire. And I love finding ways that I can mesh that fascination with craft. I also love that I'm starting to convert some of my crafty pals into Space geeks as well.  

I've been really lucky to have some incredible teachers, mentors and good friends who inspire me immensely. At the top of this list is my good friend, Leslie Bonnell, from whom I first took a hand embroidery class several years ago. She owns the Stitch Lab sewing studio here in Austin, and I've been lucky enough to work with her for a few years now. Her talent and skill amaze me on a daily basis. She can literally make anything, and make it to complete perfection. She's also an incredible teacher; very patient, practical and supportive. She's my role model and a great friend, and I adore her. 

Another great teacher and friend of mine is Kathleen McTee, from whom I have taken screen printing and surface design courses. Like Leslie, she's an amazing teacher, and a brilliant artist. Her classes opened up a whole new set of media in which I love to experiment and play. She's brilliant with color and embroidery, too, and has done some really stunning projects that mix all these beautiful skills of hers. They are hugely inspirational. 

Finally, my great coworkers at Craftzine and my wonderful friends in the online craft community provide inspiration and support on a daily basis. They also happen to make my life and work really darn fun. 

How did you get started?
It's kinda funny, actually. I used to swear up and down that I was not crafty at all. I really resisted it for ages. My mom was crafty back when I was a kid (embroidery, decoupage) but didn't really teach me or try to get me to get crafty. It's as though I had these crafty genes, but refused to acknowledge them for most of my life. After I had kids, I started to struggle because I was lacking a creative outlet. A friend introduced me to Craftster.org and that pretty much changed everything. I instantly connected to what was going on there, and was starting to see a great opportunity for creativity and fun in crafting. Around that time, my mom gave me a sewing machine for Christmas, and a year later I finally took it out of the box and took a class. I continued to get involved in the online crafting community, and by the time I took embroidery classes from Leslie and from Jenny Hart a few years ago, I was a full-fledged craft addict. I've never looked back. As corny as it sounds, crafting literally changed my life and saved my sanity. 

I have a degree in journalism and have been a computer geek since I was 10 years old, so I've been able to mix all these skills, talents and hobbies together in to the perfect job: writing for Craftzine.com. I couldn't be happier! 

What are your favourite materials to work with?
Needle and thread - There is something about handwork that is just so mesmerizing and relaxing. I literally feel my whole body release when I first pull the needle through the fabric. It's the most incredible stress reliever. I also love working with ink (screen printing), and I'm looking forward to mixing the two media. 

What is the hardest and most favourite part of crafting?
The hardest part is not having enough uninterrupted time to work on the ideas in my head. I have two small kids, so most of my life revolves around them. They are both in school now, which gives me some time during the day, but I have to admit that I miss those days in college when I could stay up all night working on something or learning something new. I have an extrovert personality, but I also really, really love long periods of time on my own to just work stuff out. That never happens now. 

My most favorite part of crafting is connecting with other folks while we're all engaged in the creative process. I love taking classes with folks, and I really love teaching classes. Seeing lights go off, and watching people fall in love with crafting is one of the most rewarding things I've ever experienced. 

List 5 of your favourite links and why you like them

Craftzine.com: Not just because I work there! Craftzine has always been the most inspirational craft site for me. There is just a level of professionalism and innovation that you can't find in other places. I still look around and wonder, "How am I lucky enough to work here!?" It's like a dream! 

Craftster.org: Craftster is such a great community, and though I don't get to participate there much these days, I will always love it for being the site that changed my mind about crafting and opened up this whole fabulous world to me. 

CraftyPod.com: Diane Gilleland is my craft guru. She has a wide range of experience and a brilliant business mind. Her podcasts have always been integral parts of my growth as a crafter. Her blog and podcasts are "musts" for anyone even remotely interested in crafting. 

Dinosaurs and Robots: While not necessarily a "crafting" blog, D&R is very inspirational. I always have a hard time explaining where I fit in style-wise or aesthetic-wise or just ... what I like. Dinosaurs & Robots is pretty much me. I love random, interesting, quirky, unexpectedly beautiful things, and D&R delivers that. 

Millie Motts: Again, not a "crafting" blog, but a place that always inspires me and makes me happy. She scans and posts images from books, magazines, etc. from the 40s-60s. Every post makes me giddy. 

Do you have any advice for those in the biz?
Have fun. Work hard. Be generous. Be genuine. 

Art vs. Craft - Are these terms different? 
I think they are different, but it's hard to explain how. Just as you start to define art, craft creeps in and vice versa. There are so many faded lines between the two, that it's hard to keep up. I tend to think of craft as being more practical, like making things to use in everyday life. I tend to think of art as something with a bit more thought and process to it, and being more focused on making a statement than being used. 

That said, I don't think one is better than the other, or that one could exist without the other. 

Do you consider yourself an artist or a crafter?
For now, I'm primarily a crafter, but my crafting has opened my mind to new ideas that are leaning more toward art. Again, they are married, and make really great partners. 

(photo images courtesy of Rachel Hobson / Average Jane Crafter)

If you are interested in being featured, please send us an email at info(at)gotcraft(dot)com.

Check out our past features...

Green Couch Designs - feature #15
Tanis Alexis - feature #14
Sweetie Pie Press - feature #13
Fibre Manipulator - feature #12
Sam Made - feature #11
All Things Paper - feature #10
Owl + Pussycat - feature #9
Bliss in a teacup - feature #8
It's Your Life - feature #7
Faythe Levine - feature #6
Coco Cake Cupcakes - feature #5
pomomama design - feature #4
GroovyGlassGirl - feature #3
Bueno Style - feature #2
The Beautiful Project - feature #1


i heart crafts bazaar

One of my favourite craft fairs is taking place this Saturday, September 26th!

Make sure you swing by and check them out at their new location at the Wise Hall - 1882 Adanac Street from 11:00am to 4:00pm. Admission is $2.00. For more information, visit their website by clicking here.


Green Couch Designs - feature #15

Name: Cynthia
Website links: Green Couch Designs, Blog, Etsy Shop

What do you make?
I make a little bit of quite a few things, right now I'm into Christmas (eep!) ornaments-I've been making little prom dresses, birdies and shoes from recycled beer cans!-, funky pillows, little quilty blocks, and paintings. I tend to go by what technique or media I want to try, then see what I can do with it. In the past I've done crochet amigurumi kitties, paper mache angels, mosaic'd frames, sewn tote bags, clothing, the list goes on. I guess i like to switch it up a lot!

What or who inspires you?
Vintage and thrifty finds, fashion, tattoos (I have several myself!), my husband and my pup and kitty, pinup girlies, 50's/60's record album covers, fabric prints, home decor, books and magazines of pretty much any variety (I'm a true magazine junkie), flowers, retro anything especially lamps- the gaudier the better!- and just crafty cool people who are into doing their own thing and are out there doing it for themselves, their own way! I love to see other artists' or crafters' workspaces and see how they set up, where they work and what they keep on their desks, what music they listen to and what kind of work they do and how they do it. I also like to watch what goes on behind the actors on the sets of fave tv shows or movies- MadMen, Ugly Betty (wicked cool lamps, colours and textiles in her living room!) are some current faves!

How did you get started?
I've been a crafter and artist since I was able to hold a pencil. Ask my mum about painting on my bedroom walls and my custom handsewn new wave Barbie wardrobes!

I'm a graphic designer and illustrator by trade and own my own company: Green Couch Designs, with my husband Norm, also our web guy!

Over the years of honing my design-y craft and staring at the computer screen all day, I really enjoy my crafty time and over the years just kept at it, trying new techniques, with some spectacular crafty "fails" in there (stained glass- argh!)!

I've participated in a few craft fairs, sold my mosaic'd frames at Circle Craft on Granville Island, even done crafty swaps online, and now just started my own little Etsy shop!

What are your favourite materials to work with?
I love glitter and sparkly things - ok you had me at glitter!- buttons, faux jewels, fabric (I've even started designing and printing my own fabric to suit my projects), paint, the computer- as much as I hate to admit it, is a great tool for testing layouts and colours before going live on a piece, and any funky doodads, charms, pretty paper, or ephemera finds....!

What is the hardest and most favourite part of crafting?
The hardest is finding, or making, the time to do it. Especially when you own your own business besides doing crafty stuff, work always seems to come first. But I'm getting better at finding the time.
My fave parts are learning more about what technique I'm using as I go and the end result, if it makes me smile then I know it's just right!

List 5 of your favourite links and why you like them

Craftster: Love it for all the inspiration, the great supportive people and fun stuff that happens there like swaps and galleries on all the different crafty topics you can ever imagine.

Green Couch Designs: Of course, it's my company, I gotta love it! :)

Etsy: I resisted for a while but now I am loving Etsy, it's a wonderful place for selling and finding unique treasures.

Knitty: I'm a knitter (and crocheter too) and I love all the great patterns and help you can find on Knitty, all for free.

Whip Up: A great source for new ideas and new sites to check out for all things crafty!

My Artistic Life: By the owner of ArtChixStudio (one of my fave places to buy funky supplies), tons of inspiration, contests and challenges, and cool creative project ideas.

Do you have any advice for those in the biz?
Follow your heart. Do what you love and what makes you giggle, smile, feel happy and excited inside, and you are on your way!

Art vs. Craft – Are these terms different? Do you consider yourself an artist or a crafter?
I think I am both, literally, as I do both paint and make crafty things, but also I think art and craft all melds together. You can be a crafty artist or an artistic crafter, it's all the same to me really.... just make stuff!

(photo images courtesy of Cynthia Frenette / Green Couch Designs

If you are interested in being featured, please send us an email at info(at)gotcraft(dot)com.

Check out our past features...

Tanis Alexis - feature #14
Sweetie Pie Press - feature #13
Fibre Manipulator - feature #12
Sam Made - feature #11
All Things Paper - feature #10
Owl + Pussycat - feature #9
Bliss in a teacup - feature #8
It's Your Life - feature #7
Faythe Levine - feature #6
Coco Cake Cupcakes - feature #5
pomomama design - feature #4
GroovyGlassGirl - feature #3
Bueno Style - feature #2
The Beautiful Project - feature #1


Yarn Bombing tonight!

Date: Thursday, September 17th, 2009
Time: 5:30pm to 8:00pm
Location: Three Bags Full Knit Shop- 4458 Main Street

Join authors Mandy Moore and Leanne Prain (pictured above) for the launch of their new book, Yarn Bombing! I hear there will be cupcakes *drool*

Blim this Sunday!

Sunday, September 20 - 11:00 - 5:00pm - by donation
@ Cambrian Hall (215-e. 17th ave)

Blim will be presenting a monthly Main Street Community Market this month to take place back inside @ the Cambrian Hall on Main and 17th. across from Blim.

This Months market will include 30 vendors, live music, hot food, beverages, and entertainment. Vendors will include food, fashion, accessories, supplies, fine art, vintage items and records, and not be limited to crafts, and there will be a focus on nurturing and promoting creative production in our community. We want to appeal to young, old, hip, plain, babies, animals, men, women, everyone.

We are very excited about this event and what it can contribute to Main Street's artistic vitality, and how it can help support and encourage the local creative community.

September Market will feature:

Exclusive @ BLIM:

Coco Cake (cupcakes)
Darwin Meyers ( vintage vinyl )
Angelus Novus (modern and vintage jewellery )
Blim (clothing and accessories)
Open Sesame (homemade gourmet japanese cuisine)

also featuring:

Noel Macul (vintage toys and comics)
It's Your Life (jewellery) http://itsyourlifeshop.com
Otanui Spirit ( soap and bags)
Robinson Fine Foods ( gourmet foods)
Anna Maclellan (vintage)
Luli Designs (jewellery) www.lulidesigns.etsy.com
Farmers Daughter (accessories)
Golden Strawberry (accessories)
Kathryn Slater (accessories)
NAP (clothing) www.napdesigns.ca
David and Chiyo (clutches) www.davieandchiyo.com
Smart Tart (accessories) www.smartartdesigns.com
Rabbit Rabbit (cards)
Bascia Lassus (jewellelry)
Sassy Vintage (clothing)
Megan Majewski (accessories)
Krantzwerk (accessories)
Not your mothers macrome (accessories)
Firefly Notes (accessories)
Jewelled Peach Designs (jewellery)
Katie Beaton (handmade hoods)
Crass and Sugar (accessories)
AJ Brown (cards)
Matt Watson (accessories)
Margarita Hobbes (jewellery)
Alceryn (accessories)

and many more...

with Home-made japanese by Open Sesame
and Live Music by Lengthy List of Lovers


Got Craft? deadline

Don't forget that the application deadline for the holiday Got Craft? show is September 19th. That's this Friday! For more information, visit our website and download a copy of the application under vendor information.

Please read your application, website and / or FAQ as most of your questions are answered in these places. Remember, all vendors will be contacted by email approx. one week after the deadline.


Tanis Alexis - feature #14

Name: Tanis Alexis
Website links: Tanis Alexis, Etsy store

What do you make?

I make art.
I make crafts.
I make handmade felt.
I make creative objects that sometimes have function, sometimes not.

What or who inspires you?

Nature inspires me.
Unique people inspire me.
Music inspires me.
The love I recieve from my family & friends inspires me.

How did you get started?

I've been creative since I could hold a pencil or paintbrush in my hand. My mother is a designer and my father was a fine artist and silversmith. I think the creative energy is genetic.

I began the business aspect of my creative endeavours after too many bad jobs and bad bosses. I realised that my ideal was to be my own boss, attempting my own projects and using my own two hands.Thankfully I have the full support & encouragement of my husband/best friend along this journey, without whom, I wouldn't be doing any of this!

What are your favourite materials to work with?

Wool & fibres
Linen, cotton & natural fabrics
Paint, ink & stitching
Textural paper
Natural elements

What is the hardest and most favourite part of crafting?

Somedays the hardest part can be staying motivated. Learning to get out of my head & into the real world is smart too. Creativity can sometimes be a very isolating place.

Being your own boss can be tough. I like to break my own rules!!

Funny enough, one of my favourite parts is breaking the rules!! Hahaha!

I love to push boundaries and experiment with new and unique ideas. It's a constant push/pull energy and I feel it's a matter of dialing into that fine balance for my own personal success.

List 5 of your favourite links and why you like them

Etsy: An online shopfront with many benefits, including community, inspiration, low maintenance fees & international exposure of your work.

Flickr: A storage site for photos & videos, including tools for blogging, editing, & a plethora of groups one can join based on theme or style. There are literally millions of images to view, explore, be inspired by & comment on. You can also meet some very interesting personalities on there.

CKUA (Alberta, Canada) & The Current (Minnesota, USA): Two of a few radio music streams I have on my speakers while I am working away at home. Both completely ecclectic, supportive of independent music, & public sponsored. I loathe mainstream radios obnoxious advertising!! Thank goodness for public sponsored (ad-free) radio!!!

Rik Rak Studio: Of the few blogs I subscribe to, Rikrak is a fellow Canadian maker and a truly inspiring person. She highlights her favourite objects in themed posts, other makers of beautiful things, & maintains an upbeat, fun and spirited attitude which can be completely contagious. I don't often have time to read blogs all the time, but with it delivered straight to my inbox...it's too simple!

Craftzine.com: Another great site to check out. Amazing, unique & impressive projects & D.I.Y. tips from around the world. What's not to like?

Do you have any advice for those in the biz?

Oh sheesh! I might be the worst person to ask since I continue to learn lessons daily. My advice coule be; to do what you do for the pleasure & passion rather than just the capital.

My recent personal advice to myself has been to not be so stubborn in my choices and decisions...and to go with the flow more often, to be more flexible...because who knows what could be around the corner!

Art vs. Craft – Are these terms different? Do you consider yourself an artist or a crafter?

I think they are different words, yes, they connotate different reactions for different people. Just as they have in the past.

But as time ticks by and we all evolve, I believe those words will continue to mutate and merge just as the creative projects themselves have been.

I consider myself a creator...

a maker, a designer, an artist, a crafter, a hoarder of materials & supplies, a thinker, a dreamer.

I am very intrigued & curious by what the words "Art" & "Craft" will be defined as in another 20 years!

(photo images courtesy of Tanis Alexis)

If you are interested in being featured, please send us an email at info(at)gotcraft(dot)com.

Check out our past features...

Sweetie Pie Press - feature #13
Fibre Manipulator - feature #12
Sam Made - feature #11
All Things Paper - feature #10
Owl + Pussycat - feature #9
Bliss in a teacup - feature #8
It's Your Life - feature #7
Faythe Levine - feature #6
Coco Cake Cupcakes - feature #5
pomomama design - feature #4
GroovyGlassGirl - feature #3
Bueno Style - feature #2
The Beautiful Project - feature #1


Sweetie Pie Press - feature #13

(secret message envelope)

Name: Becky Johnson
Website links: WebsiteBlog | Etsy

What do you make?
1" buttons, commissioned artist button sets, drawings, prints, crochet things, secret message envelopes, zines, installations and other miscellany. i also make craft shows and events. and web pages. sometimes i make theatre or other fleeting diversions.

(Worksite Accidents Gocco Prints on old manual pages)

What or who inspires you?
oh, all sorts of things. gosh. the places i visit. funny jokes. bad things (that i feel need correcting). office supplies. other. i don't like this question. it gives me the same bad, overwhelmed feeling that i experience when i think about advanced physics or the universe.

How did you get started?
i have been making crafty things since i can remember but i started a craft business in earnest as a response to my total disillusionment with my former 'career' as an actor/comedian/clown. i so despised being rewarded for good performances with offers of terrible projects/television commercials that i decided to move into a creative pursuit that required less industrial complicity. basically, i wanted to work hard yet flexibly for myself and felt that objects somehow held more sustainable value than experiences (such as theatre provides). this is sounding convoluted. i started making buttons to supplement my performance income and found them and the greater craft community more rewarding and kind than my previous exploits. ever since my mind has gone wild with endless new ideas for physical objects to make. and nobody ever tells me i am too heavy or tall to make crafts. that's a bonus.

(Hyperbolic Crochet Pseudosphere)

What are your favourite materials to work with?
paper, fabric, felt pens, yarn, garbage, ideas, jokes, envelopes.

(Duck Duck Goose - Commissioned Artist Button Set by Alec Thibodeau)

What is the hardest and most favourite part of crafting?

hardest = finding time to realize the number of notions i produce in an effective and sustainable manner. this might be impossible. hence, its high level of difficulty.

favourite = seeing the output of my brain realized in three actual dimensions. that, and the people i have met doing it. and the places i have seen. and more.

List 5 of your favourite links and why you like them

all citizens: the best little art shop/music venue on the prairies. this is actually where i am sitting while composing these answers. the all citizens story is hugely inspiring and so is everything they continue to do. serena and tyler (who own the joint) are also marvels in their own rights. and if you are a band, you might be able to play one of the smallest venues ever if you contact them.

city of craft: this feel like cheating because this is a project i am involved in but i stand by its greatness nonetheless. city of craft is a big annual indie craft fair in toronto (which...ahem...is currently accepting applications from vendors, sponsors and installation artists). city of craft is also a greater collective that programs crafty happenings in and around the big smoke throughout the year.

tara bursey: tara is a friend of mine (let's face it, all this link sharing is about hyping my awesome friends and their awesome projects). she is an incredible artists, crafter, zine maker, thinker, organizer and human being. on top of all the other work she does, she has started a blog this year that presents some of the best exploration of the art/craft paradigm that i have come across...maybe ever. her reports on the art she experiences are both thoughtful and personal. she's great.

little dog monday: this a sporadic yet quality blog that chronicles the craft, illustration and artwork of toronto artist, shannon gerard. what can i say? i am a huge fan. shannon is skilled, smart and vulnerable. also, if you poke around long enough, you might see a drawing of me there from her top shelf web comic .

misanthrope specialty company: again, total nepotism; this is my partner's art collective. i am actually something of a member, too (kinda). the misanthrope co. has a very strange and special aesthetic that i find exciting. reverend aitor (my home biscuit) also does unflattering portraits while we tour (and online). i am pretty keen on this projects as it accesses all kinds of people in all kinds of cities and towns...and uglies them all.

(photo by Dustin M. Parr)

Do you have any advice for those in the biz?

a) use your brain. people who tell you that following your heart will lead to infinite success have trust funds. if you are trying to make crafts to support yourself, do take the seemingly senseless whims of the market into consideration.

b) then leave room to do some ridiculous or risky things to advance global culture/the evolution of the species.

(Point Form #1 - a zine of lists compiled by Becky Johnson 2006)

Art vs. Craft – Are these terms different? Do you consider yourself an artist or a crafter?
i read in a book once that "craft is the visible edge of art." i take this to mean that the act of executing a concept is craft; art is brought to an undertaking through conceptualization. (i am not very book educated, so this simple definition was new to me). once i looked at things this way i stopped worrying and felt calm. in this way of seeing things, i am both an artists and a crafter...but only if anybody is asking.

(photo images courtesy of Becky Johnson / Sweetie Pie Press)

If you are interested in being featured, please send us an email at info(at)gotcraft(dot)com.

Check out our past features...

Fibre Manipulator - feature #12
Sam Made - feature #11
All Things Paper - feature #10
Owl + Pussycat - feature #9
Bliss in a teacup - feature #8
It's Your Life - feature #7
Faythe Levine - feature #6
Coco Cake Cupcakes - feature #5
pomomama design - feature #4
GroovyGlassGirl - feature #3
Bueno Style - feature #2
The Beautiful Project - feature #1


Handmade Nation - Austin premiere

Check out all the fun we had over at the Handmade Nation Austin premiere on the lotus events blog!

We are spending the day traveling from Austin to Seattle and then driving back to Vancouver. Our featured artist series will continue tomorrow with a super fab post by Sweetie Pie Press.


Kanzashi in Bloom - Book Review

Kanzashi in Bloom: 20 Simple Fold-and-Sew Projects to Wear and Give by Diane Gilleland

When Sister Diane announced the blog book tour for her new book, Kanzashi in Bloom: 20 Simple Fold-and-Sew Projects to Wear and Give, I contacted her via twitter to see if I could take part. You see, I have been a big fan of her CraftyPod series and have heard amazing things about her through my friend Kim Werker. Unfortunately, I was too late to participate in her blog tour, but she did have an extra copy of her book that she sent me to review – Yippee! This is my first book review, so in the words of Sister Diane herself, “Please go get yourself a nice cup of hot tea and we will get started.”

Kanzashi, pronounced Kan-za-shi, are hair ornaments used in traditional Japanese hairstyles that came into widespread use during the Edo period dating back to 1603. There are many varieties of Kanzashi and many styles of wearing them. In modern day, Kanzashi is still used by brides and geisha to indicate status and the seasons of the year.

Using folded pieces of fabric, much like origami, Diane inspires crafters and would be crafters with easy to read instructions and simple step-by-step tutorials. Beautiful images are clear and easy to follow with chapters such as ‘Origins of the Art Form’ and ‘Materials and Core Techniques’. As well as projects that teach you how to make Kanzashi for embellishment and to wear as accessories. I already have my favourites picked out such as Stretch & Bloom Headband and Tiny Blossom Earrings (below)!

image via futurecraftgirl.com

Each time I come across a new craft book, I have a habit of flipping through it and checking out all of the pictures. Then, I mark down which ones I wish to make. Looking through each pattern, I can’t believe how many alternative ways you can make each item by using a different number of petals, different fabric or using the same techniques to make butterflies and hearts.

Thank you Diane for the opportunity to review Kanzashi in Bloom and congratulations on a wonderful book!

Win your very own copy of Kanzashi in Bloom: 20 Simple Fold-and-Sew Projects to Wear and Give by Diane Gilleland by sending an email to info(at)gotcraft(dot)com subject: “giveaway".
A lucky winner will be chosen on Friday, September 11th, 2009.

Image credit: Kanzashi in Bloom / Diane Gilleland


Sublime Stitching

I *love* seeing people's work spaces and where they operate from. So of course, when I got the opportunity to visit the Sublime Stitching headquarters, I was there with bells on. Well... not quite ... but close :D

Sublime Stitching started in 2001 with 4 patterns and now they have a whopping 50 in addition to Jenny Hart's 3 books. Even with the huge expansion, everybody operates in this tiny room. Yup. This is Sublime Stitching HQ! It's probably 10x10 and with the addition of Rob and I, it was a tight squeeze.

PS. If you haven't already, you should go and check out Jenny Hart's new book: SUBLIME STITCHING: Hundreds of Hip Embroidery Patterns and How-To. I also have my eye on the Stitchable Stationery kit that includes six cards you can embroider!

book images via Sublime Stitching

Handmade Nation Events in Austin, TX

When Jessica from Sublime Stitching contacted me to help sponsor the Handmade Nation screening in Austin, I signed up right away. Sublime Stitching has been HUGE supporters to Got Craft and we were honoured to be able to repay the favour.

Check out Jennifer Perkins' blog post from the Naughty Secretary Club for all of the fun crafty events scheduled for this weekend!

images from Naughty Secretary Club


Austin Craft Mafia

(read all about our trip to Austin, TX on the lotus events blog!)

If you happen to be in Austin, don't forget to check out Swap and Sew + Sweets: A Clothing and Craft Supply Swap + Yummy Bake Sale + Hang Out and Craft Session hosted by the Austin Craft Mafia.

Clean out your closets and your craft supply drawers and come participate in a community swap! Bring any unwanted clothes - both adult and kids clothes welcome, and crafting supplies like fabric, thread, yarn, notions, buttons, etc. etc. Get rid of stuff you don't want and go home with new stuff that you love. Any suits or professional clothing and accessories left over at the end of the day will be donated to Dress for Success, a non-profit organization that helps disadvantaged women get dressed up for job interviews. Any crafty supplies left over will be donated to the after school teen sewing program at the Austin Public Library. Everything else will be donated to a local charity shop. If you want, you can also bring your sewing machine or knitting needles or embroidery hoops or whatever and spend the afternoon hanging out with other crafty types fixing up your swap finds, having fun and sharing ideas. It is also a great way to recycle and upcycle! In case you get hungry, we will have an assortment of amazing treats available for you to buy and snack on. Donate a can of food and your treat is free! We will use part of the $5 suggested donation and bake sale proceeds to help buy sewing machines for the after-school program.

WHEN: Saturday, September 5th, 12pm-6pm WHERE: Space 12 - 3121 e. 12th St. 78702 (space12.org) WHY: Have fun, get crafty and support the Space 12 Community Center and the Austin Public Library Youth Services sewing program. HOW MUCH: $5 suggested donation

(via the Austin Craft Mafia blog)


Fibre Manipulator - feature #12

Name: Stephanie Menard
Website links: Fibre Manipulator

What do you make?
Unique Jewellery using vintage and recycled fabric with gold and sterling silver elements and sometimes vintage beads. Felt portrait dolls, needle felted dolls, recycled fabric fingerless gloves and accessories.

What or who inspires you?
I often get design ideas from my dreams, so do I inspire myself? Maybe. Successful female entrepreneurs, repetitive patterns in nature, my cats, Art History.

How did you get started?
I started making beaded necklaces when I was 8 and have been a painter, "sculpey"-tor since birth I think. Floating along from crappy retail job to summer camp lifeguard job I didn't realize I could do what I love and get paid for it until much later. After falling in love with sculpture in the Langara Fine Arts program I went to VCC for Jewellery Art and Design; which is essentially small scale sculpture. I stumbled into textiles when I needed a jewellery break after school. Now I mix my two loves together and have a great time making shiny pretty textured things. My fickle nature means I'll probably incorporate some new techniques often. I just picked up needle felting this year and am really into it. There is so much to learn, how does anyone pick just one technique to master?!

What are your favourite materials to work with?

Delicate vintage lace, luminescent peridot beads, ornate kimono fabric, merino sliver, vintage beads, inventiveness, problem solving.

What is the hardest and most favourite part of crafting?
Problem solving. When a design doesn't work out the way you see it in your head it can be the most frustrating experience but such incredible work can come from this too. It's like playing detective. Solve that mystery!

List 5 of your favourite links and why you like them

ScoutMagazine: Great local articles on fashion, art, and food. I'm a closet foodie and they have all the food news and gossip in the city.

Everybody likes sandwiches: Speaking of food, Jeanette's blog is filled with tasty recipies, gorgeous photos, and witty prose.

Bliss in a teacup: She's so honest. This blog about everything is very inspiring. I want to be a better blogger and I want to be more like Becka.

The boss of you: It's a great book and a great blog. I was lucky enough to hear a talk with Lauren Bacon at a VCM event. She got me so excited about my business I couldn't sleep. With one simple exercise - finish the sentence "I will feel successful when..." she changed my whole outlook on my business and life in general.

Vancouver Public Library: They have a huge DVD selection and you can order whole British mystery series so you don't have to get cable.

Do you have any advice for those in the biz?
Don't guard your secrets. Share what you have learned with others and you will learn from them as well. Let's all help eachother become better business people. Networking equals getting together with new friends over a bottle of wine or some snacks and being inspired.

Art vs. Craft – Are these terms different? Do you consider yourself an artist or a crafter?
I don't want there to be a difference. I am an Artist and a Crafter. There used to be a big divide between high art and everything else but I believe the DIY movement has shortened that gap. I have always had as much respect for ceramics, jewellery and textiles (all traditionally female crafts) as I have for painting, drawing and sculpture. I think the art world and our generation of artists is moving in that direction and I'm glad.

(photo images courtesy of Stephanie Menard / Fibre Manipulator)

If you are interested in being featured, please send us an email at info(at)gotcraft(dot)com.

Check out our past features...

Sam Made - feature #11
All Things Paper - feature #10
Owl + Pussycat - feature #9
Bliss in a teacup - feature #8
It's Your Life - feature #7
Faythe Levine - feature #6
Coco Cake Cupcakes - feature #5
pomomama design - feature #4
GroovyGlassGirl - feature #3
Bueno Style - feature #2
The Beautiful Project - feature #1