
Tanis Alexis - feature #14

Name: Tanis Alexis
Website links: Tanis Alexis, Etsy store

What do you make?

I make art.
I make crafts.
I make handmade felt.
I make creative objects that sometimes have function, sometimes not.

What or who inspires you?

Nature inspires me.
Unique people inspire me.
Music inspires me.
The love I recieve from my family & friends inspires me.

How did you get started?

I've been creative since I could hold a pencil or paintbrush in my hand. My mother is a designer and my father was a fine artist and silversmith. I think the creative energy is genetic.

I began the business aspect of my creative endeavours after too many bad jobs and bad bosses. I realised that my ideal was to be my own boss, attempting my own projects and using my own two hands.Thankfully I have the full support & encouragement of my husband/best friend along this journey, without whom, I wouldn't be doing any of this!

What are your favourite materials to work with?

Wool & fibres
Linen, cotton & natural fabrics
Paint, ink & stitching
Textural paper
Natural elements

What is the hardest and most favourite part of crafting?

Somedays the hardest part can be staying motivated. Learning to get out of my head & into the real world is smart too. Creativity can sometimes be a very isolating place.

Being your own boss can be tough. I like to break my own rules!!

Funny enough, one of my favourite parts is breaking the rules!! Hahaha!

I love to push boundaries and experiment with new and unique ideas. It's a constant push/pull energy and I feel it's a matter of dialing into that fine balance for my own personal success.

List 5 of your favourite links and why you like them

Etsy: An online shopfront with many benefits, including community, inspiration, low maintenance fees & international exposure of your work.

Flickr: A storage site for photos & videos, including tools for blogging, editing, & a plethora of groups one can join based on theme or style. There are literally millions of images to view, explore, be inspired by & comment on. You can also meet some very interesting personalities on there.

CKUA (Alberta, Canada) & The Current (Minnesota, USA): Two of a few radio music streams I have on my speakers while I am working away at home. Both completely ecclectic, supportive of independent music, & public sponsored. I loathe mainstream radios obnoxious advertising!! Thank goodness for public sponsored (ad-free) radio!!!

Rik Rak Studio: Of the few blogs I subscribe to, Rikrak is a fellow Canadian maker and a truly inspiring person. She highlights her favourite objects in themed posts, other makers of beautiful things, & maintains an upbeat, fun and spirited attitude which can be completely contagious. I don't often have time to read blogs all the time, but with it delivered straight to my inbox...it's too simple!

Craftzine.com: Another great site to check out. Amazing, unique & impressive projects & D.I.Y. tips from around the world. What's not to like?

Do you have any advice for those in the biz?

Oh sheesh! I might be the worst person to ask since I continue to learn lessons daily. My advice coule be; to do what you do for the pleasure & passion rather than just the capital.

My recent personal advice to myself has been to not be so stubborn in my choices and decisions...and to go with the flow more often, to be more flexible...because who knows what could be around the corner!

Art vs. Craft – Are these terms different? Do you consider yourself an artist or a crafter?

I think they are different words, yes, they connotate different reactions for different people. Just as they have in the past.

But as time ticks by and we all evolve, I believe those words will continue to mutate and merge just as the creative projects themselves have been.

I consider myself a creator...

a maker, a designer, an artist, a crafter, a hoarder of materials & supplies, a thinker, a dreamer.

I am very intrigued & curious by what the words "Art" & "Craft" will be defined as in another 20 years!

(photo images courtesy of Tanis Alexis)

If you are interested in being featured, please send us an email at info(at)gotcraft(dot)com.

Check out our past features...

Sweetie Pie Press - feature #13
Fibre Manipulator - feature #12
Sam Made - feature #11
All Things Paper - feature #10
Owl + Pussycat - feature #9
Bliss in a teacup - feature #8
It's Your Life - feature #7
Faythe Levine - feature #6
Coco Cake Cupcakes - feature #5
pomomama design - feature #4
GroovyGlassGirl - feature #3
Bueno Style - feature #2
The Beautiful Project - feature #1

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