
district thirty - feature #20

Name: district thirty by Alison Clucas
Website links: districtthirty.com

What do you make?
I hand make Sterling Silver jewelry inspired by nature and simplicity.

What or who inspires you?
Oh wow! The list is endless. I read many jewelry books for inspiration but mainly I find inspiration from other jewelers. There are some very unique, creative people out there! Also, I am forever appreciating nature and what Mother Nature provides us with so you’ll notice many designs focusing on trees and flowers.
Plus I doodle. A lot!!!

How did you get started?
I’ve always had a fascination with jewelry and accessories so when I was at a jewelry and lingerie showing that was put on by a very good friend of mine, Julie Chung of Love Bobbie (shout outs hehe), who represented a few Vancouver designers I had the opportunity to speak to one of the jewelry designers. She advised me on how to get started and the rest is history.

What are your favourite materials to work with?
Sterling, Sterling, Sterling… I am in the process of looking into moving to recycled sterling in the near future. I also intend to work with gold and semi precious/precious after mastering sterling and stone setting.

What is the hardest and most favourite part of crafting?
Hardest: Motivating myself to work after coming home from my regular “day job”
Favourite: When I’m contacted by stores who would like to carry my jewelry. What a great compliment! As difficult as it is for me to get motivated to begin the jewelry making process when I arrive home from my day job, once I start it’s very hard to stop….My poor neighbors.

List 5 of your favourite links and why you like them

www.Supermarkethq.com: Very cool designers and plenty of things to be purchased. Especially things you might not find in everyday Vancouver shopping.

www.Etsy.com: Has brought me tons of business and you can find anything handmade there. I think it might be getting a little saturated due to popularity though.

www.klimt02.net: I like this site because not only does it have some fascinating jewelers from around the world but it also has a link to their website, their artist statement and a CV including their education, awards and exhibitions.

www.crafthaus.ning.com: My favourite Art medium being Jewelry of course. This website is more of a communication highway for designers.

www.metalcyberspace.com: provides a massive A to Z list of jewelry designers and their websites.

The list of my favorite jewelry designer websites is endless.

Do you have any advice for those in the biz?
Yikes….I think I’m still the one seeking advise but if I can suggest anything it’s believe in yourself and make a product that you are proud of. Don’t be too shy to apply to shows and get involved. You have to start somewhere. Ask questions, ask questions and ask questions. Believe it or not, people love to share.

Do you consider yourself an artist or a crafter?
Hmmmm....I consider myself an artistic crafter. The term/word Artist seems (to me) very professional, mature and established while Crafter feels more realistic, relaxed and fun.

(photo images courtesy of Alison Clucas / District Thirty)

If you are interested in being featured, please send us an email at info(at)gotcraft(dot)com.

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