
tinywarbler designs - feature #19

Name: Kate, tinywarbler designs
Website links: Etsy, Blog

What do you make?
I make small, soft animals made from my original patterns. They are made from melton wool, cashmere blends and I use cotton fabric and Japanese cottons as accents. They are stitched entirely by hand and are now being stuffed with soft (local) lambswool. I also make some limited edition items during special holidays. There will be bats in the shop again soon, just in time for Halloween.
(and for fun, I am teaching myself how to make quilts.)

What or who inspires you?
I can find inspiration in almost anything! Obviously I am inspired by nature (I love watching animal planet!) but sometimes all it takes is a song, or a color. My creative husband is a constant source of inspiration for me as well.

How did you get started?
I’ve been creating and making things since I was little. Drawing, coloring, ceramics, collages- I loved it all. There was then a long period where I didn’t make anything, then
I started to work for a local designer couple making their jewelry as production work. That got my hands moving again and inspired me to create something of my own.
I had the urge to use some the fabric I had started collecting, so I picked up a pencil and started sketching. One thing lead to another and next thing I knew I had made an elephant. It all happened within a few hours. I was hooked. (and shocked!)

What are your favourite materials to work with?
I love working with textiles.(meaning, I have a slight fabric addiction!) Wool, linen, cotton fabric. It’s a nice contrast to the silver and bronze I had been working with in the jewelry studio.

What is the hardest and most favourite part of crafting?
I think there is nothing more satisfying then the process of having an idea and seeing it through to the end so you have a tangible, finished product. Although it can be frustrating when an idea doesn’t translate as smoothly as you’d like it and you are left with a tangled mass of fabric, thread and wool that doesn’t look anything like what you had in mind. (can you tell this just happened recently?)

List 5 of your favourite links and why you like them

Etsy: so great for finding unique, handmade items, great fabrics and supplies. Plus my shop is there!

Flickr: so many amazing and beautiful photos here. I have spent many an hour here.

This American life: I love listening to ira glass while I’m sewing. I’ve laughed out loud and been moved to tears.

Whip up: a great place to get some tips on a new sewing technique, check out some patterns or just enjoy the eye candy.

A Cup of Jo: Joanna always has such pretty eye candy there, fashion, art, music, video clips.

Do you have any advice for those in the biz?
Oh, I don’t think I’m qualified to be offering up advice! I just try to keep an open mind, do everything to the best of my ability and treat people the way I would like to be treated in return. For me, I always try to remember that I started doing this because I like to make stuff. If it stops being fun, then I think it’s time to move on.

Do you consider yourself an artist or a crafter?
I think these terms have become interchangeable. The craft movement has become so pervasive that I think it really blurs the lines between the two. I’m really not too fussy about it, I don’t mind if people consider my work art or craft, perhaps it’s a bit of both.

(photo images courtesy of Kate, tinywarbler designs)

If you are interested in being featured, please send us an email at info(at)gotcraft(dot)com.

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