
HAIIKU - feature #30

Name: HAIIKU by Iris Taborsky-Tasa
Website links: HAIIKU

What do you make?
I make clothing for women who appreciate comfort and subtle details. I have a modern aesthetic, with an ode to the past. I want to create pieces that people feel good in.

What or who inspires you?
What inspires me can be quite random...Anything from cut fruit to cracks in a rock face can spark an idea. I am an avid lover of vintage and I'm very inspired by styles of the past. What I find most interesting in vintage are the patterns that can be found on the fabrics of the garments. The color combinations are amazing! In the past, one vintage fabric inspired me to design a whole collection. I tend to let the fabrics inspire me when I find them. It's what makes the design process so interesting.

How did you get started?
At a very young age I would rifle through my mother's bins of stuff from her travels. I would play around with it, make outfits...accidentally chop embroideries up...eep! This was the first time I put scissors to cloth. I started sewing when I was ten, using old clothing and making them new again. I've been sewing ever since. Five years ago I took a leap, and started up HAIIKU.

What are your favourite materials to work with?
I love natural fabrics. I try to use them as much as possible. My favourites include all cottons, linens, wools, silks, bamboo, etc...

What is the hardest and most favourite part of crafting?
PRODUCTION. By far, the number one hardest thing to keep up with! I have to be my own toughest boss to get the job done.

My favourite part of crafting is when someone trys on one of my pieces. Seeing their face light up when they fall in love with it truly is gratifying.

List 5 of your favourite links and why you like them
design*sponge: It is such a great resource and wonderful for inspiration.
Modish: They compile such cute stuff!
Refinery 29: Very good style site. I also enjoy their travel guides.
fantastic-dl: I love the art she finds.
101 Cookbooks : One word: YUM.

Do you have any advice for those in the biz?
The best advice I can give is to get organized and stay that way! Easier said than done, but it really does help in keeping things moving. Read as many posts online from other indie artists who have already hurtled the hardships of starting up a small business. I find the etsy business posts helpful and modish is too.

Do you consider yourself an artist or a crafter?
I think that Art and Craft are different, although they both have the same foundation. Art isn't necessarily tangible, while Craft is. Craft is more of a practical, functional art. I come from Art and Craft background, though now I consider myself more of a designer. It's exciting to see the change and growth that has happened in the last 10 years with the DIY movement. There's been a big shift in peoples perceptions of what Art & Craft are, breathing new life into them and making it alot more accessible to people. It's an exciting time!

(photo images courtesy of HAIIKU / Iris Taborsky-Tasa)

If you are interested in being featured, please send us an email at info(at)gotcraft(dot)com.

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  1. congratulations Iris Great interview the photos of your work are beautiful.well done and all the best for the future.

  2. I like the clothes wore by beautifuls ladies!
