
DIY @ MOV round two

Congratulations to the Museum of Vancouver for another successful DIY night! Got Craft was invited to hold a mini craft fair at all three events - DIY @ MOV, Handmade Nation, DIY @ MOV 2 - and we are so thankful for being a part of the team! It seemed like the first event had a bigger turnout, but you had to keep in mind that DIY@MOV 2 was held on a sunny and dry Friday night instead of a Thursday night in the middle of January. That being said, there was still a fantastic turn out and the quality of the interaction between attendees and solicitors was top notch. Not only did they have amazing workshops hosted by Collage Collage, Urban Source and Fibre Manipulator; Birkleland Wool was on-site with laps looms, wet needle felting and some amazing displays. Started in 1939, Birkeland Wool is a crafty institution here in Vancouver, so next time you are on Main and E. 20th Avenue, you should definitely go check them out. Thank you to everybody at the Museum of Vancouver for organizing, to all of our Got Craft vendors that came out and set up displays and to all the crafty attendees for supporting this fantastic event! You can read and check out the images from the first DIY @ MOV here.

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