
Flight Path Designs - feature #35

Name: Naomi Joy Yamamoto

What do you make?
Handcrafted graphic leather goods

How did you get started?
Totally by fluke. I didn't intend on getting into this! Seriously, I went to art school in Calgary where I did a Bachelor of Fine Arts. At the time I was doing installation based artworks, exploring social stigmas of identity. When I finished school I ended up sharing a studio with my friend Kari Woo who at the time was just beginning to go big into doing her silver jewelery line full time. I had a studio, was out of school and needed to figure out what to do with myself. One day, totally by chance I ended up buying a piece of leather and felt so inspired by the material. Kari was super supportive and influential in getting me involved in the handmade movement. I started first making handbags and branched out into belts and buckles-which are the bread and butter of my business three years later.

What are your favourite materials to work with?
I really like any material that is organic and malleable-leather, felt, fabrics.

What is the hardest and most favourite part of crafting?
Hardest would be time management for me. I get easily distracted and can be easily swayed from doing what should be a priority. Favorite is having the time and space to come up with new designs. I love that part of this job. I find that its important for me to be constantly re-inventing my work to keep things fresh and interesting.

List 5 of your favourite links and why you like them
Poppytalk: been following this blog for a long time and Jan always provides great inspiration from the world of art,design and food.
Etsy: I spend hours cruising etsy. There is so much diversity and amazing talent on there and I also love that etsy has provided a forum for the handmade object to meet cool in a global marketplace.
Font Shop: the utopia of fonts-super great resource and place of inspiration.
Cool Hunting: fashion, design, art and technology-some of my favorite things!
Decor 8: inspiring interior design ideas

Do you have any advice for those in the biz?
Listen to your intuition, always do your research, take care of your body and soul, form a community of like minded individuals and keep inspired however you can.

Do you consider yourself an artist or a crafter?
If I had to choose, I would say I approach my work as an artist, but I consider myself a designer foremost. Design is the big passion and source for my work.

(photo images courtesy of Naomi Joy Yamamoto / Flight Path Designs)

If you are interested in being featured, please send us an email at info(at)gotcraft(dot)com.

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