
Mighty Ugly

Last week, a few of us crafty peeps were invited to Kim's house for a top secret project. We were told to bring left over crafting materials that we weren't using and snacks were provided, but that was pretty much it. We had no clue what we were in for.

So, when Kim announced her new project earlier in the day - http://www.mightyugly.com - I knew she was up to something. Actually, my exact words were "Is this what we are doing tonight? Are you using us as free labour to create content for your website?". Kidding of course! This was scary in all various matters. Yes, I make stuff. I do it, because I like making. The idea that somebody else likes it and wants to buy it, well that's pretty swell and an added bonus. You know those apple cozies I make? Each one is unique. There is no pattern, because I can't follow patterns. So I crochet in circles until it's big enough to fit an apple. That's my secret folks, so I'm serious, when I say, I can't help you with your crocheting project.

Sitting at the table with everybody in front of all the craft supplies, not only did I have to make something ugly, but I had to make on the spot! Here was my thought process..

Holy cow! How am I going to do this?
I could crochet some balls and attach them together to make a caterpillar.
Wait, that sounds too cute.
Let's sew up this piece of scrap fabric and make a snake.
This sewing job sucks and it looks kind of porno.
Here's a ball of yarn in front of me!
I want to use pipe cleaners.

Here's the end result...

It's been named "Jabba the hut's lady friend" and was voted most ugly! Heh.

This exercise has the flexibility to benefit those that craft with the purpose to create items for sale and for those that lack the manual dextrerity or creativity to make those wow items. The hardcare crafter can become overly focused on perfection, balance and the overall appearance of a project which can all restrict the flow of creativity. Instead of looking at the supplies and picking out the elements that work together, we had to enter a new thought process. Like physical exercise, we ventured out of our comfort zone and were forced to use "new muscles".

You can check out Lady Jabba's tv debut and Kim Werker talking about her Mighty Ugly project over on CBC. If you watch closely, you can also see me laughing in the background :)

photo credit: Courtney Johnston

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