
vote :: best of vancouver

Vote now! Vote now! Contest ends at midnight.

Have you completed the Georgia Straight Best of Vancouver survey? If not, there is still time! The 15th Annual Best of Vancouver ballot is now available online at straight.com. This is your chance to say your bit about the best of the city in a comprehensive range of categories (trust me, there's over 200 questions!) and help create a portrait of Vancouver, circa 2010.

You have to answer 25 or more questions to complete the survey and as a reward, you will be entered in a grand prize draw for a $3,000 Flight Centre gift certificate toward your dream vacation.

Oh, and why am I posting this information over on the Got Craft blog? Well, we need YOU to vote for us!

Here is what you need to do:
  1. Go to http://www.straight.com
  2. Type in your information
  3. Answer at least 25 or more questions to be entered to win the draw
  4. Go to page 5 titled "Media, Arts & Culture" and scroll down to the middle at Question #29 - Best Artisan / Craft Show and type in 'Got Craft'

The deadline is Wednesday, July 21st, 2010 at midnight, so start voting!


  1. Ack, I missed it. I think you have it in the bag anyways. :)

  2. Thanks for the kind words Diana! I had the deadline dates mixed up which is why it was posted so late!
