
Irit Sorokin Designs - feature #38

Name: Irit Sorokin
Website links: Irit Sorokin Designs

What do you make?

What or who inspires you?
All the artist I meet at all the markets I vendor at, they are amazing and some of the ideas I see blow me away.

How did you get started?
I was going thru a rough time with a family member about 6 years ago and a relative suggested we bead. I was sitting there beading away with these amazing colorful stones and I was entranced. I started researching out places where you could buy beads so I could get my own stash and I discovered a whole new world of bead suppliers, jewelry and the artist who design them. I went a little crazy and bought so much stuff and then realized that I had to do something with it so I got busy… I walked into one of vancouver finest jewelry stores called Object Designs ( no longer in Business) they liked my stuff, it sold and the next month I got a cheque for $500.00, I was inspired, and the rest is history.

What are your favourite materials to work with?
Whatever appeals to my eye and sense of color I will buy it and figure out what to do with it when I get into my studio. I love to travel so I tend to get things that you don't often see in Vancouver.

List 5 of your favourite links and why you like them

New York Times: best read and up to date info on the world, I love their book reviews.
Any Time Out: travel website for London, New York etc… best up to date info for what is happening in that city.
Daily Candy: for fashion info.
Nanette Lepore: I love her designs.
Whitney Museum of American Art: great museum and fun website to look thru.

Do you have any advice for those in the biz?
Don't copy other designers, be creative in coming up with your own designs. If you cant get inspired to come up with your own original designs than find another medium to express your creativity. Keep at it.

Do you consider yourself an artist or a crafter?
For me, the process of creating any thing and the method you use to express it is the same whether you call it a craft or art. The two are inseperable.
I am both.
How your creation is used is up to the buyer. They can hang it on a wall , wear it, eat from it...

(photo images courtesy of Irit Sorokin Designs)

If you are interested in being featured, please send us an email at info(at)gotcraft(dot)com.

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