
have you heard?

image credit: MrPS

We announced last April over on the lotus events blog about our big move from Vancouver, BC to London, UK next February 2011. We leave in just over 4 months. * yikes *

Back in 2002, Robert and I left our jobs and made our first attempt to move to London on working holiday Visa's. It was a grand adventure of little, to no research and planning and 3 months later, after two (first me, then Rob) bouts of strep throat, we returned home. I wouldn't call it a failure. Maybe more of a lack of preparation. We never lost our love for the City though. We spent 3 weeks in London during our honeymoon in 2004 and was back there to celebrate my birthday last October.

Fast forward to 2010 and we have decided to give the move another go. The trip last October was to make sure that this was where we want to be and through Robert's British born Grandfather, we have the opportunity to apply for an UK ancestry visa that allows us to work unrestricted.

To see if you qualify or for more details, click here. If you are under 30, check out the UK youth mobility program here.

So how is the process coming along? Well, February isn't the best time to move, but with our schedules, it was the best for us. We also can't technically apply for Visa's until October as they won't post date them for more than 3 months. However, we are bringing Cleo (our cat) with us and she needed to begin her paperwork approx. 6 months prior to when we wanted to move to avoid quarantine. You can see more about her process here. Update: She passed her blood test results!

Don't worry though! Rob and I plan on returning to Vancouver each May and December for Got Craft and lotus events will remain operating in the hands of our lovely Vancouver team!

Interested in moving abroad? Follow the lotus events blog to stay up to date with our travels and for tips of living in the UK.

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