
check it :: fine cell work

found via twitter by @EtsyUK

Fine Cell Work is a social enterprise based in London, UK that teaches needlework to prison inmates and sells their products via their online shop. The prisoners do the work when they are locked in their cells and the mission is to rehabilitate prisoners by giving them the opportunity to earn and save money by reflecting and rebuilding their lives through craft and achievement. Prisoners do fine cell work for an average of 3 years and in 2010, over 400 stitchers collectively earned £71,354.

Here are some interesting facts:
  • the program is in 29 prisons
  • 80% of the stitchers are men
  • inmates are taught by some 60 volunteer instructors and last year, more than 200 volunteers donated their time at events, in prison and at the fine cell work head office.
  • stitchers spend an average of 20 hours per week doing embroidery in their cells, the highest earners stitch for as long as 40 hours.
To see some of their amazing work and for more information, please visit fine cell work here. Thanks Amity for sharing! Hope you had a good visit.

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