
our new home

photo credit: the_musical

new blog address: blog.lotusevents.ca

Some of you keeners have already guessed what is going on, but I figured I should at least post a little something about our news. As you can tell, we haven't been writing here much. This is partly due to the fact that the past two months have flown by and that since Rob and I decided to move the blog, there hasn't been much motivation to keep this alive. Yes, that's right. The blog is moving to a new home!

With the Got Craft blog, the one here and my occasional posts over on Granville Online, I just couldn't keep up anymore. So, instead of having one place sit dormant for long periods of time then me feeling mucho guilty and then blogging a few posts, we have decided to meld everything into one. A one stop shop for all things crafty, events and weddings, our work, our inspirations, our travels, random snapshots of life in Vancouver and London and really, anything that interests us. Although we will no longer be posting here and eventually, I will be deleting this blog; I will be reposting from the archives, so please do join us here! See you there!

Andrea + Robert

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